Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Flight Medicine Systems Pty Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our clients. We support and are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (the Act). We will only collect, use, and disclose personal information in accordance with the Act and this Privacy Policy.

In this Privacy Policy Statement, “personal information” has the meaning defined in the Act. It includes information or an opinion about an identified person or a person who is reasonably identifiable, such as a person’s name and address.

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. The updated version will be available at and will apply whether or not we have given you specific notice of any change.

2. Collection of Personal Information

Flight Medicine Systems Pty Ltd collects personal information (which may include sensitive information) from you or your authorized representative when you contact us for information about our services.

Sensitive information will be used by us only:

  • For the primary purpose for which it was obtained;
  • For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose;
  • With your consent; or
  • Where required or authorized by law.

3. Data Security

Your personal information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.

4. Access

Subject to some exceptions that are set out in the Act, all persons may gain access to their personal information that is held by us. Access may be refused in accordance with the Act, including if access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy rights of other persons. 

5. Correction of Personal Information

To update or correct your personal information at any time, contact Flight Medicine Systems Pty Ltd at PO Box 1239 Altona Meadows Victoria 3028 or

6.  Information Destruction or De-identification

If we hold personal information about an individual and no longer need that information, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify the information unless we are required by law to retain it.

7. Complaints and Feedback

If you have any questions or concerns about our collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, or if you believe that we have not been compliant with this Privacy Policy or the Act, please contact Flight Medicine Systems Pty Ltd at PO Box 1239 Altona Meadows Victoria 3028 or

We take all complaints and feedback seriously. We assess complaints with the aim of resolving any issue in a timely and efficient manner. We will use reasonable endeavours to review your complaint or feedback within 30 days of receipt and otherwise in accordance with the Act. Resolution of your complaint may be delayed if we are unable to contact you.